
Reviews and Opinions

All my reviews and opinions are based on my own personal experience with a product, I am not an expert, I am just a regular girl in love with makeup and beauty products!

Results may vary on every product, please keep in mind that everyone is different, so if something works for me it may not work for someone else, I am not responsible for any problems that may arise from trying out a product that I talk about in my blog, my information should not be used as a replacement from a trained professional advice, I strongly suggest you to try things out before you buy them :)

Products, Samples and Freebies

I am not affiliated with any brand and I don't get paid from any of the posts I write.

Sometimes I get samples from different promotions companies do online (Websites, Facebook, Twitter, etc) anyone can get these samples, there are several blogs that are dedicated to post about active promotions.

If I talk about a sample I got on a promotion, I will disclose it in each post. I am objective about these samples, I will not say good things about something only because I got it for free, I remain honest to my standards. 

Otherwise all of the products that I blog about are bought by me :)


I like to add links at the end of each post so you can see the product's website but none of the links in my blog are affiliated links so I don't get paid if you click them or purchase something , I do not receive any commission from them, they are simply there to make it easier for you to find more information of the product I talk about in each post.


Another obsession of mine, besides trying new products, is photography !

All of the pictures that I have on my blog are taken by me, (when I add a small picture in a collage of a product or when I don't have the full size and I add that photo, I will specify it and give them credit) 

I always try to get the perfect shot of the product that I talk about so that you can see it clearly, please do not use my images for commercial purposes, if you have a blog, tumblr, or you want to share it somehow you can contact me at productsjournal@gmail.com or link back to my blog :)

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